Here you will find documentation about FredBoat commands, configuration, permissions and more. You can easily plug FredBoat into your Discord server and get started.
FredBoat is made to be super simple to use! Getting FredBoat running on your server is easy. You can invite FredBoat by authenticating it with your account using this link. You must have Manage Server permissions to be able to do this.
It is easy to add your favorite music to the playlist. To start playing a track, use the /play command.
You can either explicitly state the URL, or you can get FredBoat to search and give you some choices. Here′s an example response.
You can select the tracks from the given buttons. You can also set the priority of the tracks to True/False for adding it to the top of the queue.
We invite everyone to join FredBoat hangout and share your feedback and suggestions. We’re eager to hear from you. Click here to join!